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Single parents are extraordinary people. Running a home, earning a living and raising children without support means doing twice the work. Across the UK, nearly 2 million single parents are working hard to keep their children safe, warm and fed.

‘My children don’t ever go without – but I will’

When you only have one income, the rising costs of food, rent and heating hit you hardest. The spiralling cost of living crisis, combined with the difficulties of finding flexible work and affordable childcare, are pushing many single parent households into debt.

‘Thank goodness there’s Gingerbread!’

Gingerbread stands with single parents against disadvantage, inequality and injustice. Our helpline team answers around 150 calls a week, providing in-depth advice and support. Our website is a huge resource of detailed information, accessed by over 1m people a year. And our support groups are building a powerful network so that single parents need never feel alone.

But we can only do this with your help.

Show your support for single parents today – by donating, supporting, or volunteering. Find out how you can get involved and make a difference.

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