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  • #105688


    hi I don’t want to keep the house I want to bring my family back to normal!!! She won’t let me because there are still others who give good advice. Nothing is as important to me as having someone you love around, but when someone shits in their own place, you can’t explain it to them and it becomes a problem. one problem leads to another, you can’t afford to treat it like this



    I was married for 12 years I have 2 children with her still small I bought a house with her on a mortgage she is very indecisive Sometimes she wants this and at the same time something else I can’t answer her needs I started to get angry because I don’t like being indecisive she said 2 months ago that it doesn’t make sense and she got rid of me from the house she took all the children the house and what we had I live in a room but I still pay for the house I don’t have so much savings and she still won’t let go I’m afraid that if we don’t start talking we will lose everything!! maybe he wants it. I can’t find a place not to think about it I don’t want a divorce because of the kids but she thinks otherwise I’m afraid of what will happen I don’t know what’s on her mind



    i’m trapped with my other half she doesn’t know what she wants sometimes she says yes and sometimes she says something else i start getting mad about it and she blames me for being aggressive every time i try to explain something to her she doesn’t listen to what i say but listens to others as of today we have not lived together for 2 months I have no contact with her I do not know if this is some form of revenge for something?? because she is very mysterious I wanted to get a divorce with her so that everyone can decide for themselves it got even worse and she told me to move out we have 2 small children and a mortgage if we don’t start talking to each other I just think we’ll lose everything and it won’t make it any better it was better.



    hi my other half seems to be seeing someone else, but she is very secretive, i can only guess because i haven’t had contact with her for two months. I have 2 small children with her I’m quite jealous of it I couldn’t seem to cope with it maybe someday time will show and I’ll get used to it and for now I wouldn’t be able to look at it I’m sorry



    Hi, I don’t want to interfere in your life, but I believe that I have a very similar situation I’ve been married for 12 years We have 2 small children I’m more of a homebody my wife chases the phone whoever calls comes with help and good advice I really don’t like it because I don’t really know where she is going and it irritates me so much I don’t agree to it and that’s why I have problems I think it’s not ok for the other half because that’s not why people are together to spend time with others

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