Single parents vote

Making single-parent votes count

There are 1.8 million single-parent households in the UK. Voting in the General Election on  4 July means that single-parent voters can send a powerful message to the next government .


Step 1: register to vote by 18 June

To be a single-parent voter, you need to register to vote. It only takes 5 minutes and you just need your National Insurance number (you can find it on your payslip, for example). 

Step 2: apply for your voter authority certificate

Everyone needs to show ID to vote. If you don’t have valid ID, you can apply for a Voter Authority Certificate.  You need to apply by 5pm on 26 June to vote in this General Election.

Step 3: share with your friends and family

Encourage other single-parent friends and family to register to vote too. Let’s make sure sure the single-parent vote counts on election day. 

Download and share our register to vote leaflet

Step 4: remember to vote on  4 July

Don’t forget to vote on 4 July ! You will need to take your Voter Authority Certificate or other valid ID with you. 

Funded by the UK Democracy Fund, a Joseph Rowntree Reform Trust initiative. 

New Report
