Tell us your experience of Universal Credit sanctions

Posted 31 January 2024

Have your say

Gingerbread is launching a new project with our partners Home Start Lambeth and Himmah, thanks to the generous support of the Lloyds Bank Foundation. And we need your help!

If you’re a single parent and your Universal Credit payments have been reduced or removed because you were told you hadn’t completed a work-related condition, then we’d like to hear from you!

Tell us your experiences by filling out this survey

The results from the survey will help us shape a campaign calling for Universal Credit sanctions to be scrapped.

Do you live in Nottingham?

Our partner Himmah is holding a focus group on 7th February 2024, 11:30am – 1:00pm. They are looking to chat to single parents with children under the age of 18, who have either experienced a Universal Credit sanction (where they have received less than they were meant to, or nothing) or who are worried by the fact they could be sanctioned.

Where and When?

Belong Nottingham, Tennyson Hall, Forest Road West, Nottingham NG7 4EP on 7th February 2024, 11:30am – 1:00pm

Reasonable travel costs and childcare costs will be covered. Additionally, you will receive a gift voucher for your time. If you’re interested in taking part, email us at