Are you co-parenting with an ex-partner?
28th Jan 2025
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Posted 5 February 2024
Are you a single parent living in Wales who would like to share their experiences with the Senedd and help shape policy?
Senedd Cymru/ The Welsh Parliament’s Equality and Social Justice Committee is made up of six Members of the Senedd from different political parties, representing different parts of Wales. Its role is to look at the Welsh Government’s decisions to make sure they’re fit for purpose for the people of Wales.
The Committee is doing a follow-up inquiry on childcare in Wales. It will look at areas including the extent to which childcare provision in Wales provides high-quality provision which supports child development, tackles child poverty and supports parental employment and what changes might be needed to deliver these outcomes.
The Committee published a report on this subject in January 2022, and now we’re two years down the line, it’s keen to know what progress has been made and what more there needs to be done. A series of online focus groups with parents from across Wales is being arranged to influence this work and it would like to involve the voices of those with lived experience of childcare, or wishing to access childcare.
A focus group with single parents will be taking place on Tuesday 20th February between 12.15 and 1.15pm.
What are the current challenges with childcare in Wales? What more needs to be done? Your voice is important and can help influence change.
Grŵp ffocws ar-lein – Ymchwiliad Senedd Cymru ar ofal plant yng Nghymru -Dydd Mawrth, 20fed Chwefror rhwng 12:15 – 1:15pm
Ydych chi’n rhiant sengl sy’n byw yng Nghymru a hoffai rannu eu profiadau gyda’r Senedd a helpu i lunio polisi?
Mae Pwyllgor Cydraddoldeb a Chyfiawnder Cymdeithasol Senedd Cymru yn cynnwys chwe Aelod o’r Senedd o wahanol bleidiau gwleidyddol, sy’n cynrychioli gwahanol rannau o Gymru. Ei rôl yw edrych ar benderfyniadau Llywodraeth Cymru i sicrhau eu bod yn addas i’r diben ar gyfer pobl Cymru.
Mae’r Pwyllgor yn cynnal ymchwiliad dilynol i ofal plant yng Nghymru. Bydd y Pwyllgor yn edrych ar feysydd gan gynnwys i ba raddau y mae darpariaeth gofal plan yng Nghymru yn cynnig darpariaeth o ansawdd uchel sy’n cefnogi datblygiad plant, yn mynd i’r afael â thlodi plant ac yn cefnogi cyflogaeth rieni, a pha newidiadau y gallai fod eu hangen i gyflawni’r canlyniadau hyn.
Cyhoeddodd adroddiad ar y pwnc hwn ym mis Ionawr 2022, a chan fod dwy flynedd wedi mynd heibio bellach, mae’n awyddus i wybod am y cynnydd a wnaed a beth arall sydd angen ei wneud. Mae cyfres o grwpiau ffocws ar-lein gyda rhieni o bob cwr o Gymru yn cael eu trefnu i ddylanwadu ar y gwaith hwn, a hoffai’r Pwyllgor gynnwys lleisiau’r rhai sydd â phrofiad uniongyrchol o ofal plant, neu sy’n dymuno cael gofal plant.
Bydd grŵp ffocws gyda rhieni sengl yn cael ei gynnal ddydd Mawrth 20 Chwefror rhwng 12.15 a 1.15pm.
Beth yw’r heriau presennol gyda gofal plant yng Nghymru? Beth arall sydd angen ei wneud? Mae eich llais yn bwysig a gall helpu i ddylanwadu ar newid. Os hoffech gymryd rhan, cysylltwch â